If you can keep your head when all about you…


My parents have come for the weekend.

It seems there has been a change of plans with the car situation. The lemon I had has been replaced with my beloved Tracker. I’m not too upset about not getting a new car, I actually really love my tracker. It’s really fun to drive, and I like that it’s kind of a convertible of sorts.

Me heading for the tracker during me and GAM’s camping trip last summer:

I’m ready for my parents to go though.

Mother is saying “KANISA!” every few minutes every time something is a centimeter out of place.

Father is nagging mother for eating food she shouldn’t be eating (she’s diabetic).

And they keep stomping around the apartment like no one lives below me.

Lawd have mercy! Kelly Clarkson Eddie Murphy!

Two days until they leave!

Four days till GAM get’s here!

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