


If I wasn’t a believer before, I am absolutely without a doubt a believer in astrology now.

I just did an interpretation of my birth chart from, and I cannot believe how absolutely correct it is…doesn’t sugarcoat me at all…100% me. Get yours today! It’s FO FREE!

The basic message of mine (since it’s long and I doubt you’ll read it all…):

“She is shy, delicate but proud, bold and lively.”

That pretty much sums me up right there.

AND of course I had to run a couple of reports on all the ex’s just to have a look see and test things to see if it would accurately describe the relationships.

The first one…a Capricorn to my Taurus

Based on Sun signs (the main signs people know about) this should have worked out. This is one of my main matches of the zodiac, but when doing compatibility, it is based on more than just those main signs. (For example I’m a Taurus, but I’m only so by 2 days (right after Aries) so that changes my personality from someone born later in April or even in May.)

According to the report, I was kind of the “leader” of the relationship when my “planetary makeup” needs to be led a bit(if that makes since)…so the relationship made me both frustrated and uncomfortable sense I had to take on the role I needed someone else to be.

The second one…a Taurus (or Aries depending on the chart you’re looking at) to my Taurus

With “he who shall not be mentioned,” the relationship was all superficial fun. We were astrological twins (both on the taurus/aries cusp) so the partnership was egotistical in that we wanted ourselves (essentially, LOL). This relationship failed because we were the same person and needed the same things so no one took the lead, ever.

With the last one…a Cancer to my Taurus

With GAM, now this was the interesting result. We had a WHOLE BUNCH of conjuncts which means we’re driven by the same things mostly. We also had a Pluto conjunct Pluto which means there is a phoenix quality to the relationship. (Meaning it would die to later come back with a greater or regenerated force.) This could mean either we could get back together for a different purpose (business relatoinship) or the story may not have ended with him in the romantic since. Since the conjunct happened in the eleventh house though, here’s the verdict about the purpose of the pheonix:

“An eleventh-house Pluto may also signify that the two of you are involved in large-scale humanitarian movements that seek to transform and regenerate the world, such as reform and revolutionary movements, movements of mass consciousness, and so forth.”

If you’re reading this, and you know both me and GAM, I bet you might find that previous insight a bit eerie. Like GAM is very driven by reaching goals related to the self-enlightenment of the Black race and I am very passionate about helping people realize and achieve thier full potential (see rant a few entries back).

I seriously was like, “wha, WHA?! NO WAY!” when I read that.

We’ll see though.

So KaNisa’s free astrological tools of choice:
Great horoscopes for people looking to better themselves, Birth Chart profiles, compatibility reports.

Eerily accurate Birth Chart profiles, Compatibility reports
Pretty good basic horoscopes for general Sun Signs.

Here are the highlights of the Bible of KaNisa (Astromart’s Birth Chart profile):

She has a good education, a solid grasp of facts. Socially successful, she wants to be known. She has a strong influence on her circle.

She has a fertile imagination, is full of inspiration, and very emotional – all qualities that she uses on the professional level. She likes the Arts, beauty.

She is frank, honest, full of vigor and ambition. She is strong-willed and powerful at work. She is a little hard on herself but, above all, on others whose capacity for action is not as great.

She has changeable moods, a reserved character, is stubborn and lacks assurance.

She has a good influence on the family, which loves and helps the person. She likes travelling, movement, change. She likes contact and is open to other people.

She argues, disputes, discusses, answers back. Lively mind which quickly understands a given situation. She is very resourceful and capable.

She looks on the bright side of life: she is gay, agreeable, optimistic, sociable. She likes to speak and write, and does both with charm and artistry. Her intellectual pleasures are influenced by her feelings. She is amorous and sensual. She likes beauty, the Arts but also traveling.

She is a choleric type, loud-mouthed. She is masterful, dominates and imposes herself forcefully. She carries on to the end of a goal, achieves it and undertakes another action with the same strong will and enthusiasm.

She is only interested in doing something if there are problems attached: once these are solved, she goes on to something else which has complications. She likes to overcome obstacles, is tough, does not have too many feelings, especially in business. She is egoistic, violent and stubborn. She does not always make friends.

Ambivalent feelings, generous, philanthropic. She is tolerant and indulgent.

She knows what’s going on at a glance. She thirsts after knowledge, and is a good organizer. She is very independent, likes her freedom of action, is a non-conformist. She is very agreeable company and is always in demand.

Observant, self-controlled, unforgiving, tough, methodical, a researcher, an investigator. Lots of courage, self-assurance and can keep her cool.

Weaknesses: makes no concessions or compromises. She can become a fanatic of a creed, a party, work or a religion.

Her up-bringing is rigorous, severe. Her professional life is all-important. She is serious, methodical, persevering. She wants to have power, to succeed and has all the necessary qualities to achieve this objective, by taking one step at a time.

Her freedom is important to her, even with regard to friends. These are extravagant, original, intellectual. They are not from the same background and have a different up-bringing.

She is discerning, wise and sensible.

She likes isolation, a withdrawn life, dreams and meditation. She has little desire for action.

Great sexual activity. <LOL… 0;)

Makes a good mother. Likes to be at home, with the little family for company. Appreciates comfort, peace and quiet, and simple but good food!. Takes care of what she possesses wisely.

Marriage, a nice little family. The spouse will not always be easy to live with, a little too mad.

Small inheritances. Happy old age, natural death.

Disappointments are difficult to digest, the bitterness can last a long time before she is able to react positively

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Now that’s Love…Black Love
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MLK Jr. Day


  • January 21, 2008 at 7:48 pm

    I love astrology because I think people are so true to their signs that it’s erie. I posted a link to my favorite site. They get really in-depth!

  • January 21, 2008 at 10:18 pm

    Oh yeah cafeastrology is great!


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