Life Checklist


So now that I’ve graduated and am in real life these days, I feel that it is time to upgrade the “College Checklist” points list to a “Real Life” checklist.

Here’s my progress so far:

First love…check
First heartbreak…check
Become a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha…check
Fantastic academic semester…check
Booty academic semester…check
Night of drunkenness to the point of upchuck…check
Get national recognition for talents…check
Become a campus leader…check
Attend a house party…check
Night of alcohol to the point of just tipsy fun…check
Casual Dating…check
Find B-U-D-D-Y (a la musiq)…check
Random hook up …check
(I ain’t no ho! He later turned into a boyfriend! Also that development was untraditional and quite random by KaNisa standards)
Passionate affair(not like infidelity I mean a passionate relationship)…check
Road trip…check
Go camping…check

Study under a tree…I never did this unfortunately…

So now that I’ve done all my college checklist minus one thing, it’s time to make a new list.

I present, my life experience checklist for 2008

Have my first dinner party in my own home…
(In progress…I’ve just scheduled one and invited the guys I had dinner with last weekend.)

Take the steps to attend grad school at Howard…
(Still pondering this I’m trying to see if it’s feasible to go while working since it’s not like a MBA program…it’s more like a full time kind of thing. I’m interested in getting a MA in Sociology and maybe later a doctorate in African Studies. After doing work in developing urban societies…and maybe even seeing about revitalizing Harlem or Shaw District like communities to the prominence they once enjoyed…I plan to be a professor.)

Travel to Africa…
(I hope to go to Egypt this fall. I’m really just trying to find people to go with at this point. If I don’t find anyone by July, I’ll consider places closer to home, but still outside of the country.)

Get a healthy head of hair…
(My hair was bangin’ when I was younger. I guess that’s because I ate more healthily than I do now. My hair was all down my back and the right consistency and everything. These days it’s an inch or two above my mid back and not even close to the thickness it used to be which leads me to my next point.)

Seriously attempt to gain at least 20 pounds this year…
(I’m about 20 pounds underweight for my height which is kind of unhealthy. I’m not skin and bones by any means, but if you saw me on the street, you’d think I was about 12. I really want to be healthy enough to have kids one day so I think it’s time to get serious about my health. I really can’t afford to just eat once a day or not exercise…it’s taking a toll. I’ve signed up on Changing and I’m trying to eat even when I’m not hungry…we’ll see how it turns out…plus I’m tired of not finding clothes to wear…)

Get some peeps to hang out with…
(This is actually somewhat hard for me. I usually keep to myself as I’m not exactly a people person. In fact, I didn’t really get a steady group to hang out with in college until the later part of senior year. I’m usually content hanging out by myself. However, this behavior isn’t conducive to meeting a future baby daddy, wait let me clarify that, MALE LIFE PARTNER. I need to learn how to have healthy relationships with friends and people with pen1ses.)

So yeah, those are my goals for 2008…for now.

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