A Quick Succession of Busy Nothings



Got an invasion of the eyeball knome (migraine) coming. Thought I would type something out before all was lost.

Today has been a fairly active day. Had training for my job this morning and a meeting that was canceled after that.

Randomly, our basketball team played Morehouse today. I went for the first half just to see what the turnout was like (nothing special). We ended up winning though 96-52.

Next was a trip to Perimeter Mall. I wanted to get something to wear next weekend for irresponsible drinking day (November 11). (Okay well it’s not an official day or anything, but I plan to be incoherent for most of it as it’s an important day for someone else.)

Came back into town…went to Walmart’s Subway to get a sandwich…I was going to get some grocery also, but I wasn’t about to pay 6 dollars for some bacon when I could get it for 4 next door at Kroger.

Yeah so…somewhat active day.

I had a whole long entry written out about some thoughts I had yesterday, perhaps I’ll post it tomorrow so I can have something of substance on here…

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