Part II “What a Girl Wants”: My Ideal Man

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I love being popular, even if it is pseudo…having five or six simultaneous conversations with lads that are actually aesthetically pleasing does wonders for a girl’s ego.

I bring all the boys to the yard, lol.

I also spent an immeasurable amount of time reading dude’s greatest hits. Had me LaughingMAO all night, so much I’ve been inspired to add a new chapter to the Virgin chronicles as he embodies one of the qualities of my ideal.


So this is in two categories, Looks and Personality. Both use the point system ranging from 0 to 100. To be seriously considered seriously sexy by me/to be considered for boyfriend status, one must have a combined score of 163 points. Keep in mind that this is a description of my perfect man. This person probably doesn’t even exist, so don’t feel bad if you don’t compare ;)


Body (38 points)
– Muscular but not “I’m LL Cool J and my breasts are bigger than yours muscular”
– defined back
– strong shoulders (defined clavicle area)
– strong “I’m about to launch out of this racer’s block” legs
– you don’t have to have a six pack, but at least a hint of one IS necessary

Smile (26 Points)
– one that is bright and beautiful, just seeing him smile would make me smile too

Eyes (20 Points)
– it’s not always about color, it’s about how it looks as a whole. The following are different characteristics I like, not necessarily in combination
. long eyelashes = sexy
. unusual color = sexy
. almond shape = sexy
. intense = sexy

Lips (16 Points)
– thick but not too big. Lips that can teach me something new…
– and don’t let chap stick be a stranger, i will call you out.


(20 Points)
– he does more than recognize Him. He actually attempts to do the right thing rather than what feels good at the time. (You can interpet that however you want.)

Sensitive/Loyal/Supportive (19 Points)
– in tune and able to deal with his emotions without suppressing them
– there for me when i’m going through stuff

Thoughtful/Romantic (18 Points)
– I love doing Destiny’s Child Cater 2 U type things for my guy. If you can reciprocate this on the level I dish it out, you are a man among males to me

Intelligent (16 Points)- college educated professional doctor/lawyer/businessman/engineer.
Not because of the money, I will be making enough of that on my own one day. The kind of professionals that have the capacity to work hard and be successful in a highly intellectual environment are incredibly sexy to me…especially if they have to wear a suit…

Confident (15 Points)
– yes you are the man, and you prove it in your actions, not by what you say

Sense of Humor (12 Points)
– you know when to act silly and when to be serious
– something like dude’s sense of humor is a huge turn on for me

Too much information to process? Here are some examples to simplify things:


Taye Diggs

Now I don’t usually go for dark guys (I know that’s terrible, but I can’t help who I’m attracted to!) However, Taye Diggs could change my mind in a second. I like the clean cut muscular non-athleticwear wearing prep look. AND he has a sexy smile. AND his body is quite nice.AND…

Michael Ealy

Dude could cut his hair, but yeah his eyes would have me dead in a second. I’d like to see him in a suit or some polos or something though he’s always looking kind of rough around the edges…


Shemar Moore in Diary of a Mad Black Woman

Minus the sappy lines. You could tell he cared for that girl in his actions. The boy backed the smack talking up.

Bill Cosby on the Cosby Show

Keep in mind we’re talking straight personality here…

So yes. That is my man in all his entirety. I heard that if you write out what you want and pray for God to send your soul mate your way, then he’d work it out for you, LOL I’m sure that was a stretch, but it doesn’t hurt to try, right?

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Do You Remember?
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Yo Lips!

1 Comment

  • August 4, 2005 at 1:55 pm

    If you find a guy that comes close to these requirements…please make sure he has a twin for me!


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