Operation Make the Most of College


So I’m looking for opportunities to step out of my box and or have fun for once. One may be happening this weekend pending some details, but on the forefront of my calendar is this new little thing my roommate and I came up with. She takes classes at Morehouse just because you can and those classes are full here. Academically, I’m interested in doing the same just because it would be an interesting experience, and the classes I’m looking to take next fall are ones that fill fast as well so….here’s the plan:

Scenario 01: Invade Morehouse

0830 Wake up
0945 Proceed to Psychology
1100 Consolidate books and buy tennis shoes (unrelated. I just don’t have any, well I have one tennis shoe…long story…moving on)
1200 Proceed to Age of Scientific Revolution
1240 Leave class and proceed to rendezvous spot
1245 Rendezvous with ally for transport to codename: project male-servation
1300 Attend Ethics class
1500 Return to home base to debrief

It’s not like I’m going to meet anyone, I just want to broaden my horizons and check out the selection they have over there

No really, I’m all about broadening my academic horizons…

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