Self Love



And….pet peeves.

I AM EXTRA sensitive to people.

Generally always have been a sort of empath to some degree…but it’s kind of horrible when you have those tendencies but do not have the skill to balance how to process them.

There’s picking up on a lot and not letting it color your own energy as it were…which I can do fine…

But there’s also picking up on a lot and not letting it color your perception of others…which I SUCK at.

A lot going on to be able to perceive things about people and also having the logical brain to step further to think “they are this way because of this sort of context”.

Like people who are really passive aggressive IRRITATE ME now…and I automatically do the additional step of “they are this way because” as soon as I perceive it….and it makes me even more annoyed.

I know them because I WAS them before….It’s not a way to live. Just say what you want to say or say what you feel. I’m not reading your mind…and how dare you put the onus on me to do so. Own those emotions, not my job to do that.

Also people who act out for attention…annoying.

Why do you need so much validation?

I promise you, you will NEVER receive the validation you seek from an external source.

No one will ever feed you the way you need to be fed in a consistent way…or really at all depending on how needy you are for attention.

There is nothing you can do that will convince someone to love you.

And I don’t mean that in a “woe is me” “what is love” way, I mean that in a what is the sun or the rain or whatever else if you as a plant don’t know how to process those nutrients in a way that helps you grow.

You gotta know, understand, and love yourself first before you can receive that love in a healthy way from others.

Did u love somebody
But got no love in return?
Did u understand the real meaning of love?
That it just is and never yearns?
– Fairy God Boyfriend, Last December

And I would almost go as far to say, once you DO know, understand, and love yourself, you may not even require it from others…because you don’t really need that validation anymore.

It would become natural for you to give and receive love without any expectations whatsoever.

Sacred is the prayer that asks 4 nothing
While seeking 2 give thanks 4 every breath we take
Blessed are we inside this prayer
4 in the new world, we will be there
The only love there is, is the love we make
– Fairy God Boyfriend, The Love We Make

That’s real goals.

So how about everyone focus on not trying to be perfect and just accept flaws as things that everyone has.

If you want to change, then make a conscious effort to do so.

To make a conscious effort to do so, really think about what drives you and why.

Figure out what’s important to you.


But to YOU.

And do..and be that.

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