You need more people. Literally. Or maybe just better ones.


I got nothing.


I do have something, but I don’t feel like being on my high horse for once.

I’ll just say that nobody wants to hear sob stories about how you couldn’t get girls when you were a nerd/had no money/were on the come up.

And that only the bad boys/boys with money got the girls.

While meanwhile you were ignoring your peer girls that were cute, but didn’t have a big booty with their smiles.

Case in point (language but there’s a point in there. He’s kinda emo sometimes..really hope his new stuff isn’t about rich people problems…)

And every story of 30 somethings that decide to be hoes because though they still don’t have the emotional intelligence to relate to others on a personal level for whatever reason, they now have money and money is to a dude as booty and breasts are to a chick…things to flaunt that distract others from noticing actual character issues.

(Note : I don’t require money because I want them to provide for me. I can afford me. I require it so that they’re at least on my level or know how to position themselves to be financially savvy.)

Also similar side eye for the “they don’t pay attention until you’ve made it” argument.

Again, basic chicks don’t pay attention until you’ve made it.

You probably had a ride or die chick by your side on your come up, but you again ignored her because she didn’t have a big booty with her smile…or you were planning on upgrading to the booty and smile options later.

Cry me a river dudes.

Perhaps you’ll learn when you realize all those people who are around when you’re successful will mostly just use you until you have nothing more to give…

And they generally just encourage your waywardness…

And somehow you’ll still feel alone while being surrounded by people all the time…

But I don’t feel like getting on my high horse for once so…

*canters off to bed


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  • June 4, 2013 at 1:30 pm


    • June 12, 2013 at 1:46 am

      *High five!


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