Who Really Cares?

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Who’s willing to try

To Save a World

That is destined to die?

In another cycle of being reminded that some things never change.

All the publicized recent shootings of young Black men by “the other” has once again come to a head and given people reasons to protest and be armchair activists.

As usual Facebook (non-minority friends) is not talking about what’s going on…”someone” asked me what they were protesting about when I shared a link to the Reddit live feeds last night.

(Though I have to say for this, it does help that social media is spinning up information as it’s not really being offered via the mainstream American news channels. Not the real stories anyway.)

Once again reminded that in some if not most places, if you look a certain way, someone will see you as a threat and  “justifiably” kill you on the spot. “He reached for my gun! But then I shot him anyway as he walked away! Just in case!”

Once again reminded that if you look a certain way, you have to minimize yourself so not to bring unwanted attention/reinforce a stereotype/disrupt someone’s comfort level.

Once again reminded that “Being Black” is entertaining to some people and they truly do not understand what it means to be Black in America…appropriating culture, listening to soul/rap/hip hop/jazz and thinking that means they understand the cultural significance behind it. Watching Fresh Prince or other shows with Black casts and thinking you know what it’s like to live life in their shoes. Having a “safe token Black friend” and thinking you have insight into the culture.

“You’re so pretty/cute! But you’re not REALLY Black. I always thought you’d end up with a white girl/guy. You’re like white though. I don’t think of color. We live in a colorless society now because Obama. I like how your hair matches your outfit. Can I touch your hair?”


I’m a regular geek and that comes with ridicule that’s not mainstream or accepted, but makes people think I’m weird and un-relatable.

I’m a regular girl and that comes with minimizing myself to not attract too much attention so I don’t get sexually abused.

I’m a regular Black person and that comes with a pressure to conform so I don’t scare non-black people and end up shot like a dog on the street/porch/etc.

But I’ve always been these things and probably will always be these things.

Just like my parents.

And their parents.

And their parents.

It’s just what it means to be Black in America.

So what then?

. . .

Despite everything though, I’m so SO blessed to be born a Black woman rather than a Black man…


When I look at the world

It fills me with sorrow

Children today

Really suffer tomorrow

Oh what a shame

Such a bad way to live

Who is to blame

When we can’t stop livin’?

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1 Comment

  • August 16, 2014 at 5:59 pm

    “He reached for my gun! But then I shot him anyway as he walked away! Just in case!”

    That may or may not be true in this instance. Let’s wait and see. Both ‘sides’ have done their fair share of prevaricating and media manipulation already, and the rush-to-judgement, reflexive, instantaneous news only fans the flames. And now the governor declares a state of emergency. What a mess. Just hope the naked truth comes out and is not distorted in the justice or civil rights systems.


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