What would THAT be like?


Had an overly long conversation about politics this morning as an offshoot of shutdown discussions.

Person 1: Super Conservative Guy

Person 2 : Theoretical Libertarian Me

Person 3 : Socialist  Super Liberal person

I was more moderate than Person 1, but we basically agreed on everything…again thinking as time goes on, things get worse.

Person 3 thought things are getting better…from a human condition standpoint and was optimistic about the future.

Which made us think…what will the world be like as we move toward a time where struggle DOESN’T motivate human action?

Like between government intervention and technology providing for everything humans could need or want…when working hard is TRULY no longer necessary to live a comfortable life?

What will the world be like if you could get all your nutrition from a pill that was paid for by taxes? (Guaranteed life for all)

Or you had to intentionally have babies…that you could design down to eye color and have whenever you wanted at any age? (In lieu of birth control…birth enable…ment)

Or no one really had to work because everything was automated with artificial intelligence?

What would people do all day?

Explosion of the arts?

I would say explosion of technical innovation…but not sure since I feel like an even smaller subset of people would be doing the ai…and there’d be multiple layers of higher cognitive ai making other ai…

What would the layman do?

This has been explored before…Asmiov’s Robot novels, or even movies like Wall-e…I haven’t yet seen an entirely positive depiction of the future.

Is there a version of this future that WOULDN’T further divide the haves and the have nots?

From an overall standpoint, how do you measure “better”?

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