Well awright!


First I’d like give a shout out to JC Penny salon. They have hooked me up in the hair department, and it only took an hour and a half!

Take THAT HairFusion4u!

In other news…

The company Black people party was pretty “I don’t know what.” It was cool to see people who looked like me, but it was kind of awkward because it was in a club, with alcohol, and co-workers…

Some people were grinding anyway, but most were like:

“Yeeeaaah…I’m going to be seeing these people again on Monday so I’m not going to go all out.”

I was however able to make a few connections. I met a lady in the bathroom and she introduced me to some people…

But here’s the story of the night:

We were standing in a small group whilst moving to the beat as most people do in clubs and everyone zeroed in on an aesthetically pleasing male standing nearby. He was the lite-brite type, but he was also around 6’2″, muscular, and looked quite debonair. He was chatting with some females about him just starting at the company this past June.

Since the people I was hanging with were recently married/boo-ed up, they just admired. I however, had the excuses of being new and not knowing anyone, so I positioned myself nearby and waited until dude’s conversation was over.

Unfortunately, he walked away to get a drink right after he was finished speaking, but before doing so, he brushed by me and said, “excuse me, baby.”

Now normally, that would get a “Yo my name ain’t baby. It’s KaNisa. Ms. [insert last name here] if you’re nasty” since it irritates me SO MUCH when both males and females do that, but dude was just THAT nice looking…

[I know that’s terrible right, but I swear even the married chick I was with said she would have hollered had she been single.]

Eventually, dude came back and stood nearby by himself. I had promised myself I would no longer be the proactive person when trying to talk to someone as that usually starts a pattern in the following relationship, but I’m not trying to be boo-ed up so I did my line name (Carpe Diem) proud and went over to introduce myself.

Despite the “hey baby” business, he was actually a nice guy…and extremely handsome up close. (Or depending how you say such things he was “FO-WHINE” (sound that out). ) Turns out he’s from the area, just graduated in May, and was impressed that I was independent enough to come up to VA without knowing anyone here. He’s even out of my same office (we have several offices in the Metro area), though he works client side for now.

We chatted for a while and talked about work and such. He went to the bathroom…came back and talked to me, went to say hi to his friend, came back and talked to me, introduced me to people…basically he stuck by me until I left.

I wasn’t complaining…like I said, dude was “FO-WHINE”…

In the end, we traded business cards and he said he’d hit me up and take me out on the town one day.

So though I didn’t meet as many people as I would have liked, it was an eventful night.


I now generally know my way around Downtown. 14th street is the yellow brick road.

I was almost solicited to be a hooker. I was standing on the corner waiting for the pedestrian light to change and some dude pulled up and asked how much I was. I think I’m offended…

A Caucasian persuasion dude stopped me and told me I was pretty. I appreciate the ego boosters, but I still find that to be a bit bold.

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  • December 8, 2007 at 11:17 am

    Sounds like you had an interesting night! I’m LMAO at the hooker offer…

  • December 8, 2007 at 10:26 pm

    No pictures….? Of your hair, not that fine gentleman that you met, although, if he’s as fine as you say I wouldn’t mind if you posted pictures of him too :-)

  • December 9, 2007 at 6:37 am

    @ Serenity – I know right? I’m still not sure if I’m offended yet.

    @ DJ Yeeahh…I actually lost the cord for my camera to upload pics, but when I find it I’ll try to share


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