Unpopular Opinion

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Halfway annoyed by the Pa.pa Jo.hn’s fallout. Especially when they show pictures of dude’s mega mansion as if that’s a reason he should pony up the money.

So…he’s salty about having to finagle finances to accommodate the healthcare plan.

What does that have to do with how much money he personally has?

I mean not to say if you want a job with good benefits, you should apply to jobs that have good benefits…but…

I guess that’s where my Ayn Rand sensibilities kick in.

Like dude worked hard for many years to build his empire of pizza. Do not demand certain benefits you never had based on what HE has, as if you’re entitled to what he has just because he has it.

If you want said benefits, look for jobs that offer them (ie not the restaurant business…unless you’re an executive).

If you can’t get jobs that offer said benefits, look for opportunities to better yourself so you can get jobs that do.

Kind of sick of all this entitled whining.

From the Pa.pa Joh.n’s situation, to the overweight people protesting Za.ra not having plus sizes, to the kids with unmarketable random degrees complaining they can’t find jobs, to the dudes wanting to marry chaste cooks who look like supermodels.

You want stuff? Hustle to get it.

Nothing in life is free of effort of some sort.

Especially if it’s the good stuff.

ETA If you’re boycotting Pa.pa Joh.ns for this, you’re actually going to have to boycott like 90% of restaurants as none of them really offer good healthcare benefits and will pass the cost of the new rules off on consumers to make up for it.


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1 Comment

  • November 16, 2012 at 9:18 am

    Yes, boycott all Papa John’s et al., eat healthy meals at home instead, lose weight, be less of a burden on the budget and deficit by saving the government and taxpayers tens of billions of dollars a year in healthcare costs, make Obamacare look good even to Republicans.


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