The L Word


So has anyone seen this show, The L Word?

I honestly cannot say I know much about h0mosexual culture outside of a few friends of mine and the extra B Scott.

I don’t think it’s something I’ll ever understand I mean…the way they have relations for example…

Dudes simulating what it would be like with a female…

And females simulating what it would be like with a male …

(I ‘m not going into detail…you know what I mean.)

Why not just have relations with the opposite gender?


I’ve heard about this show the L Word for years…watching Chappelle Show…hearing people talk about it…and I have to say…it’s quite intriguing.

A couple of the storylines:

Chick is engaged to a dude…falls in love with a woman…caught on the DL…engagement breaks up…finds out she was raped by a group of dudes as a child…has depression and cuts herself and thangs…

Two chicks are “partners” in an 8 year long relationship…one is half Black (same actress that starred in Flashdance! She really is half Black too)…they decide to have a baby using a Black donor’s sperm…half Black chick cheats with another half Black chick…original couple breaks up…later original partners get back together

One chick is an androgynous female Casanova…tends to have a magnetic control over women…finds out she’s acting out due to lack of love in her childhood…later falls in love for the first time with a Mexican chick…

“Famous” tennis player is ghey…doesn’t come out for fear of rejection in the public…gets a girlfriend…girl helps her to be out…they break up due to fame business…famous chick gets a new girlfriend/publicist and is out…new poster child for ghey women…

Needy chick goes from ghey to “bye” back to ghey again…falls for famous tennis player…they date for a while…Needy chick turns crazy jealous…famous tennis player starts dating first girlfriend who helped her be out…

I have to say, I find this show strangely interesting. I’m skipping through the relations parts as it makes me through up in my mouth, but aside from that it’s a pretty good show. It’s just like a hetro relationship drama…but with…chicks…

I’m sure it’s not good to take a tv show and think the community is like that, but if it is…maybe there should be more shows like this. Honestly, the people who choose to live that lifestyle aren’t at all different from those of us that are hetro…they go through the same issues…just with someone of their own gender.

Whether it’s right or wrong really doesn’t matter. If it is a sin…a sin is a sin is a sin and we’re all sinners so…judge not lest ye be judged.

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