The Academy


Trying to jumpstart my brain a bit this morning. I feel like it never really gets clicking on all cylinders until about 10:30 or so unless I haven’t gone to sleep yet…

Saw that the Gramm.y nominations are slowly rolling out today. I don’t know if people understand how the Acadamies work. Generally you submit for an award and it gets reviewed by experts to see if it’s eligible. If it is, members of the Academy choose among those to nominate work for different categories. Once those are set, they vote again for the winners.

Eligibility period for a Gramm.y October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014.

Eligibility period for an, generally the previous calendar year.

Eligibility for an Emm.y June 2013 – May 31, 2014

I think people think these awards happen based on just merit…like work is automatically entered and people win based off the votes…but you have to be SUBMITTED first…and people are submitted based on marketability and likelihood of winning rather than artistic merit.

Then from there, it’s people with money distribution companies marketing their wares via “For Your Consideration” ads, listening parties, general promotion…

Not to say it’s a popularity contest, but…

I do wonder sometimes if accessibility is a good thing. Like does the of today hold as much weight as an Emm.y/ of 50 years ago?

I think the Emm.y and Osca.r ones do, but not so sure about the Gramm.y ones. I might be slanted because their award shows have closely resembled the MT.V Vid.eo Music awards for a while now or because artists these days seem to be manufactured successes rather than successes based on artistry…

But maybe it’s always been that way and I’m annoyed by them now because I know more.

That said…

Side eye about Igg.y Azelea being up for Record of the Year.

Happy for Jhen.e Aik.o’s nomination for Best Urban Contemporary as she’s a singer/songwriter and is for real, but they also promoted the HECK out of her this year! She was EVERYWHERE endorsing left and right and on the radio every two seconds! I suppose that was necessary to get her out there, but I wish it wasn’t…

ETA Boom! Gramm.y nod for Mr G! Best Rap performance and Rap Album! Pub the hail out of him Glassnote! Want to make more progress toward this EGOT!

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