That’s Ghey.


I was reading Concrete Loop today and saw that Mr. Scott had his weekly post up. It reminded me that Black people are the most homophobic people around.

The negative posts were more than just the “e-ballers” it was people who truly believe that homosexua1s are evil or whatever else…

As for me, I don’t have anything against ghey people.

I honestly think that more often than not, it’s a combination of a nature vs. nurture type thing.

I took a gender studies class in college where we learned about cases where children are born with both male and female sexual organs. At a young age, their parents will remove a gender and reconstruct their area in order to make them what is considered normal. After the operation, they would nurture them to be a certain sex.

More often than not though, even though the person was raised as a particular sex, they would grow up and identify themselves with the sex that was not chosen for them…making them by definition, ghey.

(That was confusing…let me be more specific. Child born with a penis and ovaries. Parents removed ovaries…child was attracted to males when older.)

Although situations like this don’t happen too often, it does happen. I know plenty of ghey people. Some are flamboyant, some are not. I don’t think though that being ghey is something you have a choice in or something that you do “just for attention.” I believe that some people are honestly born that way.

In another example, I have a cousin that is ghey. In this instance, he grew up around all females and never had a black male figure in his life. On top of that, he was sexua11y abused by some of his mother’s boyfriends. When he got older and announced he was gay the younger fam wasn’t surprised but the older fam was completely shocked and appalled. Some even disowning him like it was his fault. I think this was a nurture situation. He was surrounded by females…and had some traumatic experiences as a child…

It is a theory that the largely homophobic Black community is a vestige of cultural continuity. I read somewhere that there isn’t even a word that means homosexual in indigenous African languages and that its appearance in our community is the result of European influences…

Who really knows though?

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