

I’m probably moody today.

It’s almost that special time in a woman’s life when she’s reminded what she’s capable of, vagina wise.

So today’s annoyances (in no particular order) :

  • Passwords and stringent password requirements
  • Dudes disqualifying themselves in their comments about the Ri.ce situation
  • Chicks reminding people why the previously listed group can say/do such things without remorse
  • A 3 year old got shot to death this morning in Stone Mountain
  • Multi-billion dollar companies who base their entire life on software development…but have crap UX
  • People using buzzwords to seem like they’re in the know, while not knowing anything (BI, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, Look and Feel, User Experience, etc.)
  • People stopping at flashing yellow lights
  • Albums that have 532 million producers. Is it a cohesive project or a mixtape?
  • People who put meetings on my calendar for later that afternoon…at the end of the day
  • IE10
  • People who get stirred up about civil rights (racial/women/gay/etc.) then in the same breath perpetuate the same injustices they’re complaining about
  • People who have 532 excuses for why they can’t do something. Always. lmgtfy
  • IT divisions where basic technology doesn’t work. Like email.
  • Yelling racism when it’s not racism.
  • Yelling “not racist” when it is.

I’m SO glad I keep my social networks pared down to not see ridiculousness or else I would lose hope in people more regularly….it’s so sad that “lowering my expectations to the point where they’re already met” is truly a thing I do…especially regarding my own people.

I love us but…we have a lot of issues and shoulder chips and posturing to have some sort of power in environments where we think we have none.

By any means necessary I guess.

Like smacking chicks you’re twice as big as.

Or putting down other minorities.

Or putting down people who look like you, but don’t act like you or have your interests or priorities.

Go away.

…and worry about yourself.


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