Play Responsibly


Known fact, I’ve been a gamer since age 4-ish.

This is not an exaggeration.

Generally just did adventure and platforming games….some action or more violent ones.

Just like everything though, life is what you make it…

The most violent game I played as a child was probably Wolfenstien 3d at age 7 or so. (I played Mortal Kombat 3 a lot too, but for some reason it seems less violent despite it’s rather graphic fatalities.)

That said, recently Grand Theft Auto V got a first person view upgrade as a perk for rebuying it for the new consoles next generation consoles.

I personally believe that Rockstar’s games, especially GTA are some of the most intricate well made games of this modern day of gaming whatever. The amount of detail, characterization, variety of tasks, open worldness, just vastness of the world…it’s all REALLY well done.

But it’s what you make it. What you choose to do in that would is a reflection of your priorities and interests…just like the real world…

I mostly played the main storyline and did random stuff like make one of my characters run 30 miles from downtown to the boonies to up their fitness stats. I might have visited the “dance club” to see what I could see, but it was mostly for curiosity.

There’s video going around of the pro.stitute aspect of the game. It’s a bit more risq.ue in first person view, but not any more than the existing ex.otic dan.cer club ones.

I read the comments of people posting first…people were saying it was disgusting and terrible.

I didn’t think it was that bad…what did you expect to see when clicking on a video about hook.ers? That’s what happens in real life….

I think the bad part is when the player got his escort out of the car, knocked her out, then ran her over with said car.

Slightly problematic that, but it was a choice that the player made…based on the player’s values and priorities. (You can knock anyone out and run anyone over with your car…it’s sometimes more efficient to complete missions this way as the shooting mechanism isn’t the best…).

The argument made by a lot of the people posting this video is that parents shouldn’t buy their kids such games. I’m not sure that’s the whole issue as adults acting out the previously mentioned scenario are rather side eye worthy also…

I think adults should set a good baseline of reality and behavior outside of games so when kids and young adults encounter opportunities like that (both in life and in entertainment), they choose wisely in how to engage in the opportunity.

Saying “it’s just entertainment” is a cop out too. I’d be more interested in what exactly a person finds entertaining about an avenue of entertainment they are pursuing…

For me? It’s escapism. It’s living a different experience than I would in real life.

If I’m simming, it’s creating a perfect life or acting out scenarios.

If I’m Assassin’s Creeding, it’s being physically fit and exploring historical areas as part of a cool secret organization that’s all about free will.

If I’m adventure gaming/rpg-ing, it’s dealing in magic or exploring fantasy lands….

Plants vs. Zombies on my phone? A complete waste of time that challenges my “NO ONE WILL DEFEAT ME!” mannerisms that results in me staying up until 3am and using my free Google Play credits to buy cheats. It’s also a huge battery hog.

All of it though is interactive fiction…like books brought to life….because that’s what I was raised to see them as…and because I had a variety of avenues to explore my imagination.

It’s not the entertainment that’s the problem, it’s the motivation of the people consuming it that needs to be addressed.

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