Late to the game


Was cruising Hulu+ to see what I could see and I came across this.

Seemed pretty interesting so I checked out.

Cool stuff! I didn’t realize that people really do go to “DJ concerts” where they basically show up to listen to a person mix live…and have them not be “background” but the main event (like they would be at a club).

What’s more interesting was that the DJ’s who are used to that didn’t stray to far from their original style of mixing though they were encouraged to do so.

It was the DJ’s who are used to playing the support role that branched out a bit more.

Also interesting and a bit sheepish…I heard Mar.k Ron.son’s take on New Orleans Second Line music and was totally impressed that he was able to replicate it.

Listened to some of his stuff on Youtube…Got the stank face (a good thing) listening to this especially…

Got to these and was like, wait..I HAVE heard his stuff before! Where I have I been?!

Also impressed with DJ Premier take on classical music. He even learns how to conduct the orchestra!

Yeah…more nods to Mr. Premerie and Mr. Ronson…and not just because the kind of music they produce is the kind I prefer.

Free (and legal) for my fellow yanks : Re:Generation Music Project

It shouldn’t be long to show up on other sites. They just posted this about a day ago.

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