Kinda over it…


So yet again some greek group did something that drew the ire of Black Twitter/Facebook.

I didn’t even look at the video…what’s the point really? Every group does something embarrassing at some point that draws the ire of Black social media…it’s a cycle.

Personally I’m kinda wondering why everyone goes after the person in the doghouse so hard when nobody’s houses are clean…and it’s usually the worst ones that spend entire days talking about someone else who have the most unkempt house.

Just because you went through a processes, however long or short it was, doesn’t mean you were “made”. To me being “made” is more about having respect for yourselves and others…but that’s just me…


Everyone is so hostile!

I can’t with Black twitter usually because the people who are the most abrasive are the ones with the most e-cred…and really, to me, that’s not something to be proud of.

Really, in general, that seems to be the case…people who stir up the most drama, or fan the flames, seem to be the most celebrated.

I don’t understand…and it’s kind of sickening that that’s the case.

I was watching some kids maybe 3 or 4 years old singing a song to their mom while we were all in the elevator…

It made me sad that they would likely lose that innocence and maybe grow up to be an azzhole dude that hides proudly behind his “azzhole” nature to be “cool”…or that abrasive chick who flouts her sexuality and/or tears other people down to be “cool” or “down”…both people who spend a lot of time throwing smoke screens so their real selves can be “protected”.

Or maybe their real selves are that full of bitterness and negativity?

It’s sad…and I’m kinda over it.

Again…are this many people really like this in real life? Or is social media primed to give these particular types of people a perfect medium to spew their hateful comments?

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  • April 2, 2012 at 10:16 am

    Again…are this many people really like this in real life? Or is social media primed to give these particular types of people a perfect medium to spew their hateful comments?
    I would like to know the answer to those questions, too. I really hope they are just a vocal minority, and that a counter social medium is developed to suppress or dilute them. I also wonder if this is more prevalent in the US than elsewhere. I don’t use and rarely read Facebook or Twitter pages, but my impression from reading news article comments is that among those that do leave comments, the Americans are particularly obtuse and nasty. I suspect the bitterness will subside somewhat as the economy improves and unemployment falls. There is a lot of frustration out there.

    • April 2, 2012 at 6:40 pm

      I keep saying that it seems like things weren’t so hostile back on the BBS’s of yesteryear…but I’m not so sure. It was my experience that the techies on their telnets and dial-up communities were just happy to find other people like them. These days it seems the focus is more “doing the most to not appear like others…or to stand out.” I’m not even sure that it’s economy based…I think some internet subcultures are just that hostile.

      I might check out the non-american communities and see what their environments are like. That would be so sad if that really was an american thing..


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