Hitsville USA


So I’ve had a resurgence of Motown fanaticism.

It’s always just under the surface really. All someone has to do is mention something even remotely related, and I’m off playing records or MP3’s…

(hence Radio KaNisa now featuring my Motown favorites)

This weekend I watched the Temptations movie. I used to be annoyed that my mother would be watching it once a week AT LEAST (no lie) but now I’m getting to be just as bad about it. I’m not sure why I like it that much…

Is it the music?

Is it the story?

Is the portrayal Eddie Kendricks? (My back in the day baby daddy.)

Or is it just that it’s a Motown Story?

Last fall, I was always at the library getting books about this musical machine. I’ve read Mr. Gordy’s autobiography, several Marvin Gaye books…most notably the one by David Ritz, the Temp’s story by Otis Williams, and a couple of other books…one of which was written by one of Mr. Gordy’s baby mama’s.

Which reminds me…

Mr. Otis Williams…what’s up with that dude?

Most people know who he is, but did he EVER have a solo on any of the Temp’s songs? It seems like he had to create a niche for himself because otherwise he’d be overshadowed by everyone else…He’s known as what, the longest remaining original member? The person who “kept it all together”…which is actually kind of iffy since every book/movie I’ve seen about the Temps was written or produced by him…

Perhaps my next Motown book will be an objectively written bio on the Temps by anyone BUT Mr. Williams…and a bio on Soror Suzanne de Passe (yeah I said it! Those honorary Sorors are a blip…)

Other stories to look out for:
Marvin: The Life Story of Marvin Gaye (2009) FINALLY WOOOT!
Director: D. Stevens
Duncan McGillivray
Glenn Giolito
Co-Producer: Kokayi Ampah
Music Supervisor: Roberta Flack
Screenplay by: Robert Scharrer

Sexual Healing (2008)

Not sure what’s going on with this one. Jessie L Martin was cast as Mr. Gaye though and that’s a GREAT fit.


Motown 50 Special (2009)
I haven’t heard of anything like this yet, but there MUST be something in the works since it’s coming up pretty soon. You better BELIEVE I’ll be there if it’s open to the public!

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