Hee hee, hoooo!


I can’t wait until 2008.

(Really didn’t mean to rhyme there I promise)

Is it because:

A It is very likely that I might have to travel abroad for work?

B. 2008 marks the 100th anniversary for my Sorority?

C. Mr. Michael Jermaine Jackson will celebrate the 25 anniversary of Thriller with a yearlong presentation?


D. All of the above

. . .

Well given my current state of excitement, right now the answer is C (lord help me)

That’s right! If you haven’t heard. Mr. Jackson is remixing his multi-platinum Thriller album as part of a yearlong anniversary celebration!

From concreteloop.com:

The 25th anniversary celebration kicks off in December 2007 with the release of a new single and continues throughout 2008 with a multi-faceted global marketing campaign featuring high-profile television, radio and online events around the world. It will include the original album in its entirety as well as eight bonus tracks and a DVD featuring Michael Jackson’s groundbreaking short films from Thriller (”Thriller,” “Beat It,” and “Billie Jean”) and the artist’s Emmy-nominated breakout performance of “Billie Jean” from the legendary “Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever” television special (first broadcast on NBC on May 16, 1983).

If there’s some sort tour of too, it’s over. I’m there.

“KaNisa,” you might ask, “why are you such a big Mr. Jackson fan?”

Well let me tell you…

Back in the day when Mr. Jackson was still somewhat Black, my father worked for the Pepsi Company. Many of you may remember that Mr. Jackson was the spokesperson for the company in the 80’s. Due to their relationship, the company was allotted GREAT tickets to MJ concerts, and my father, being one of the upper management type people, would always be able to acquire a good block…

Ladies and gentleman, those opportunities allowed me to dance on stage with the King of Pop himself! That’s right, I got to be one of the kids who dropped it low during the part of his concert where he invited them up on stage! I’ve been within inches, INCHES of the musical genius…

As I grew up, I collected every record, album, cassette tape, CD, MP3 of Mr. Jackson’s work…even including most of his records from when he was in the Jackson 5…

..(well collected through my parents who won’t let me “collect” until they “breathe their last breath” but still…)

As I discovered reading for pleasure, I read all about the Jacksons and other Motown groups and how they were connected. Of course, you can guess who one of Michael’s biggest idols was…one that we both share…Mr. Marvin Gaye, the only person who surpasses Mr. Jackson on KaNisa’s musical obsessions adorations list.

I know Mr. Jackson has been having problems in these recent years but one thing cannot be denied, he is and will always be the King of Pop…and his legacy among the greatest modern musicians just cannot be overshadowed by ANYONE in our lifetime.

Viva Mr. J.

Hee. Hee. Hoo.

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