

It’s the Olympics, the second most popular time of the year (other than around New Years) where people are more aware of their bodies and how they shape up against “standards of beauty”. Easy to forget that the Olympians we see on TV have some of the most healthy and fit bodies IN THE WORLD, their physiques aren’t normal, but in the top percentages of fitness…again IN THE WORLD.

Still though, I’m sure there’s an uptick of exercising and gym enrollments while the games are happening.

I was rather annoyed by the secusal attention our Women’s gymnastics team was getting. I kept saying/thinking…ya’ll crusty people can lust after these girls if you want, but have fun on your ride to jail…

Only to find out…it is actually LEGAL for the girls to be pursued secually by 27 year olds…because the age of consent in many states is 16.


Blew my mind!

For some reason, I thought it was at least 17!

Made me throw up in my mouth a little.

I don’t understand…I mean gymnasts typically do have underdeveloped bodies just because puberty really impacts their flexibility and the skills they’re able to do. I read about a gymnast that had an injury causing her to take time off. The slowdown of exercising started her period and the transition of her body. It took her much longer to get back into it because she had to relearn her body and basically start over with the skills she already knew how to do.

I don’t know that most people know the age of consent is so low, but it really creeped me out that fully grown adults were making perv comments about the girls…and that they were actually well in their right to do so. It also doesn’t quite make sense to me as they don’t have the typical markers that make women attractive yet…(like the 70% waist to hips ratio, wide waists, curves, body fat, etc.)

It was explained to me that it doesn’t matter that they have curves and things, if they look like they’ve started puberty, then dudes want to do them.

Again…throw. up. in. my. mouth.

Looking through the years, the ‘Ideal Body Type’ has changed. From Through the Decades: How Media Influenced ‘Ideal Body Type’ for Women

The 1940s and early 1950s marked voluptuous and curvaceous sweater girls, also known as “pin-up” girls, e.g. Sophia Loren and Marilyn Monroe (the quintessential American sex symbol).

A wide-eyed, flat-chested, and somewhat androgynous British teen model Twiggy came on the scene in the 1960s when slenderness became the most significant indicator of physical attractiveness.

In the 1970s there was a continued emphasis on weight loss and body shape. The media used thinner, less curvaceous models in photo shoots. Charlie’s Angel and notorious poster girl, Farrah Fawcett had one of the most sought-after body types.

The 1980s beauty ideal remained slim but required a more toned and fit look. This decade was known as the age of the supermodel, e.g. Cindy Crawford and Naomi Campbell. Dieting was no longer enough to fit into the correct size; there was now the added pressure of exercise (aerobics craze) to achieve the toned look.

The 1990s ideal body was very skinny and large breasted, i.e. Pamela ‘Baywatch’ Anderson. This “Barbie” like body defined an almost impossible combination for most Western women. On the other hand, thinness was continuing to stay strong as “heroin chic” model Kate Moss epitomized the waifish, angular bone structure look of Calvin Klein advertisements.

More recently, in the 2000s, the ideal shape is one that may have to be purchased and cultivated through artificial means. In essence, women are buying an unattainable fantasy.

Black people wise, it seems “thick” and curvy has always been the ideal…except MAYBE in the 80’s and 90’s…






Once again, it seems I was born about 10 years too late…

I don’t know…they say you should be thankful for what you got…but this mousey look I have going is not the business.

Is it fall yet? I’m ready to pull out the sweaters and things to hide under…

And hair…ready to pull out the flat iron so I can hide under my hair.

If I tried to straighten my hair now, it’d be like lol…


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