

I had a discussion with some people a couple of months ago about weapons of mass destruction vs. cyberwarfare.

I maintained that cyberwarfare is infintely more dangerous than a WMD, more because while a WMD can kill you instantly, cyberwarfare can have a longer and wider reaching impact (and can also get into the systems that control those WMD).

The internet of things is real…and growing fast. You can use a computer to access all sorts of infrastrucure systems, financial instutions, health records….really anything!

And a lot of these very important systems are not anywhere as secure as they should be.

The latest example of incomptence has a personal component this time so i’m a little like…

W.T.F…a random has my VERY personal stuff!!!

I have worked with that org before too, but it was a different area. I noticed though that the site we built years ago is still there….untouched since that contract ended almost 7 years ago.

Because…software updates aren’t important I guess.

Especially since most software updates are security related.

Kind of a disaster, but I’m honestly surprised it doesn’t happen more often both because a lot of techie organizations aren’t run by techies who understand the context and risks that come with that work…and also because a lot of people don’t have a very high standard of work just in general.

The technical landscape is RIPE for all sorts of data breeches…I’m sure this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Nothing really to do but hope you aren’t next…but man…the blessing and curses of interconnectivity…

Get white hat hackers on your staff people…seriously… #BecausetheInternet



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