Today in herstory…


Nothing much going on.

Most recent iteration of family takeover of my house has begun. Sister came yesterday and parents just arrived a few hours ago.

If I were bold, I’d ask them to break down the boxes in my garage while they’re sitting around…maybe I’ll start doing that when I get home and ask them to help…

In other news…

Peeking around my cheap clothes site for sweaters and coats for the most wonderful time of the year.

I had my eye on this coat at the end of last season.


I think it’s time. It’s also 22 bucks.

Other randomness :

  • Haven’t really listened to any of Mr G’s music since “the incident” when before I probably did every day/every other day (curated music lists…and I listen to music pretty much all day to down out office noise). Mostly avoiding doing so because it seems much more personal/invasive now…like reading someone’s personal diary. I’ll get back to it eventually.
  • Not sure if I’m more sensitive now or if Facebook is doing another social experiment to play on people’s insecurities. Noticed an uptick of people “sharing their blessings” lately…and I’m like….why?
  • Decided to stop complaining about looking so young. Having the opposite problem would be unfortunate. Other people my age already have wrinkles and neck stuff going on…I’m sure my turn will come. Though hopefully not anytime soon.
  • Did an uptake on the Mandelic Acid peel to 40% instead of 25%. Also swapped Bare Minerals back to a normal BB Cream. (For the uninitiated, BB cream is mostly a tinted moisturizer). New regimine is weekly peel, wash face with Madelic Acid cleanser, rub on Almond Oil, wash that off with warm water/towel, Glyconic serum, BB Cream. All of this is to completely clear my face from any acne scars and have baby booty refined pore skin. Scars are pretty light now (hardly noticeable with the BB Cream) and no active acne for a while now. Curious to know if it’ll really all go away to be baby booty.
  • Counting down to a 3 day weekend. Really just self-care for me. Maybe I’ll take myself to a movie…
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