Some Different Things


Couple of things happened this weekend.

Gimmie a head with hair…

Finally got around to getting my hair braided up for the summer, albeit late. Had to wait until after my sister’s wedding and had to recover the “fun time” coffers after a few large purchases.

Wanted to get some highlights, so I got some blond mixed in :


Thankfully it’s subtle.

They had two braiders going the whole time and it took about 6 hours. This one leady freaked out a bit when she undid my bun and saw how much hair I had. (I washed before coming in.)

She kept saying “Jesus”, “Oh my God” and “Oh Jesus I give you glory…” as she dug in.

I mean…why you think I’m braiding it up?! I don’t want to deal with it either! LOL!

I like the result though! 2 months and they’ll come out in October.

I’m a patron of the arts!

A friend from college put together a documentary about the Castleberry Hills section of Atlanta. It’s an area that’s turned over (and is continuing to turn over) with artsy small mostly black owned businesses. There was a kickstarter a while back and I kicked him some money to help out.

He had a showing of the mostly finished work this weekend so I went to check it out. I also wore dis (a dress I stalked for a week before biting the bullet and buying. I was soooo weary about it, but I think I did okay in it)


(That’s me and James, the film maker).

Here’s how the dress is supposed to look :


Back to the film part through, the cool part is that I’m listed as an executive producer in the credits!

Set up my IMDB account! I’m big time! LOL!

But yeah really cool to see people following their passions. I wish him the best!



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  • August 11, 2014 at 2:11 pm
    Pretty Primadonna

    Fly dress! Dope hair! And your skin looks amazingly glowy!


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