Random things…


I don’t know if I get using the term “Daddy” as a term of endearment for dudes…

Like…that’s super creepy and gross…is it not?

I don’t…get.. it…

3.5 day weekend. I technically have today off but called in to a few meetings. One more at 4:30.

Legit fibbed a bit about Dragon.Con …I do have a ticket, but I don’t think I’m going.

I AM however heading home to see about The Knox though so it will not be a totally anti-social weekend, I promise!

I’ve been marathoning the following shows :

I’m sad that I”m all caught up now! The escapism was great!

I also just finished this book :

It’s no Ender’s Gam.e/Shad.ow, but it wasn’t bad!

I understand why people do drugs to cope. From a higher level, it’s not so much the drugs part as it is a break from dealing with certain things because your brain is busy processing something else…or even that they give you a different perspective on things.

Still would say in the long run that it’s a temporary reprieve….probably better to address and remediate why you’re feeling bad in the first place rather than ALWAYS relying on that artificial band aid…

But I get it.

Changes happening at work. If we win the re-compete of a contract, Since we won the re-compete of a contract, my role will be shifting significantly.  I’ll still be a capability lead for the work I do, but they’re trying to position certain people to take over contracts on their own.

A weird shake up, but I am ready to do something a little different…we’ll see…

*Looks into PMBOK stuff…

Hope you had a good week!

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