Tipsy Saturday Mornings


Back to regularly scheduled programming. In case you missed it, this is what things looked like around here for :



think maybe the infatuation is slowing down?

Coming back to reality in realizing that tons of people encapsulate what he was, maybe not in that specific combination he had going on, but they exist.

From the twitter :

I’m drafting a list of all boyfriend’s musicians and buying all their stuff tooooooooo he chose them so welll!

Funnily, learned lots in this deep dive with boyfriend. Catalog aside, my first thought when finding new artists I like is

“how can I best support you”? Or how can I make sure you get a good portion of this money I’m about to invest to make sure you keep going?

I can’t say that the bar for music was raised because I’ve always had an affinity for musician based music

And there will NEVER be another boyfriend, but there are lots of real life legit musicians out there doing incredible work.

Lots of singer/songwriters out there crafting relatable stories.

Lots of sexy men out there whose confidence is based on being comfortable in who they are.

Boyfriend is certainly still the archetype and probably will be for quite a while, but you only get to his level once you’ve truly lived.

So let’s all get busy living.

Weaning off via the musicians he worked with. Last post featured a bassist he toured with for a bit. This bassist also worked with him in the last year or two :


I’m here for all of it!

*collects my dollars to give out

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