Seriously? No.


So I’ve been told I can be rather abrasive/dismissive/blunt.

I own that. I’m aware. I’m a work in progress.

But one thing that is super annoying and does not work AT ALL on me?

Emotional appeals.

In fact those make me more likely to say no just for even trying to appeal to me that way.

I’m only an “idea” person in relation to them being implemented. If you’re trying to sell me a bridge, I want to see specs, cost proposals, material samples…


Or I’m not buying it.

Was out grabbing some lunch just now and stopped to get some gas. Was about to pull off and this lady pulls up in front of me.

Literally cut me off as I was driving off.

In her almost new Infinity.

And tells me a violin story about how her and her children were struggling and how they were on the news…complete with the upper register “sympathize me” voice and the sad face with the “covering of her mouth” for effect.

I told her I don’t carry cash (which I usually don’t) and asked if she had a website or anything.


Do you have an email or any phone contact information?


She actually said she had no contact information she could give me to help her.



I wished her the best and drove on.

If she was legit and bold enough to ask random people for money, she would have at least set up some kind of easier way for people to help her.

Or even be able to write down her information on a piece of paper.

If she was worried about her own security….PO Box. Free Google Voice number.

Shoot make a flyer!

Or if she wasn’t borrowing the car, get one of those loans against it.


Come on people!

God helps those who help themselves!

Do better!

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Open House : Fraternity Happy Hour


  • March 15, 2013 at 9:27 am

    Perfect title to the post. Must be rough driving round in an almost new Infiniti. I would have driven away or cross-examined her as you did.

    • March 15, 2013 at 10:45 am

      Funnily, this popped up on my Facebook newsfeed. This lady looks very similar… I’m not sure enough to call in though…and am not sure if it’s just my paranoia…

      • March 16, 2013 at 8:34 am

        The top and bottom right pictures look like two different people. The very pointy, Jay Leno-ish, chin in the bottom is missing in the top.

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