

Pretty sure I’ve talked about this show before, but Switched at Birth just hit another one out of the park!

At this point, the school board has decided to close Daphne’s school, a school for deaf and hard of hearing students, to save money in the district. They choose to do this of course in lieu of making cuts elsewhere in their budget (other schools with good sports programs continue to get expensive perks, etc.)

This episode is done completely in American Sign Language vice the intro and end bits. Really love how this was done!

I’m hoping this show gets more credit or visibility…it’s such a cool premise and illuminates a lifestyle not many people get to see, what it’s like to be deaf/hard of hearing and the struggles that come along with that.

Episode after the jump!

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  • March 6, 2013 at 10:33 am

    You wrote “death” twice when I am pretty sure you meant “deaf”. Once is a typo, twice in near succession might be a parapraxis . . .

    • March 6, 2013 at 10:49 am

      Wow! Thanks for the catch! It has been on my mind a lot lately. Yesterday was my Mom’s 60th birthday and I’ve been super aware of her and my dad’s mortality as of late. Went to visit them this weekend and I was very in the moment in appreciating them and getting my hugs and quality time in as I know they won’t be here forever.


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