Republican, Democrat, Other


Was halfway paying attention to the RNC this weekend. Saw that Ron Paul was going after some of his colleagues.

Out of everyone, I kind of liked him the most, but did have some issues with the inconsistent conservative message.

Remember when I said if conservatives were actually conservative I might be one?

Well…I found out what I really meant by that.

A conservative that’s a real conservative is a Libertarian.

Here are some Libertarian ideas :

Drug Reform – Immediately legalize and tax marijuana like alcohol and tobacco. Lower punishments for drug users and offer health related treatment, not jail.

Education Reform – Allow parents to send their kids to any school instead of zoning. End the Department of Education and let the states regulate their own education money.

Financial Reform – Audit the Federal Reserve, reel back entitlement programs, balance the federal budget. Disband the IRS. <- This affects me the most as my 9-5 is based on federal government that spends heavily. UX is needed everywhere though so I can find something elsewhere if it comes to this. Same for that FHA loan I wouldn’t mind having…do halfway agree that if you can’t get a normal loan because of your financial situation, then maybe you’re not ready for one….but yeah still wouldn’t mind that FHA loan for myself…

Civil Liberties – Repeal the Patriot Act. Only require invasive security scanning/pat downs on high risk travelers. Pro-choice. Women can decide until the point of viability for a fetus. Pro-Gay Marriage. Government must be neutral on personal beliefs YES! YES! YES!

Foreign Policy – Bring the troops home and focus foreign interests on the protection of US Citizens. Leave the problems of other countries to other countries. Allow war criminals fair and humane due process.

Immigration – Simplify immigration and work visa processes. After a background check, issue a Social Security card and require payment of taxes.

Internet & Technology – Don’t regulate or tax the use of the internet.

Gun Rights – Lock and load.

Oh and by the way, the above points are the platform of the Libertarian Presidential candidate Gary Johnson.

WHHHY isn’t his name in the streets?!

I hope he gets in on the debates and that he’s eloquent and carries himself well…he’d really give people something to think about.

I don’t know how well he’ll do this fall, but if the Libertarians can talk themselves up for 2016, it would be pretty interesting. I kinda love their platform.

Oh and before anyone says anything…

As far as the reeling back of Federally funded social programs, I think we can survive without them because there are SO MANY organizations in place that can do the same thing. Thing is, they don’t have to at this time because the government takes care of a lot. It will be up to the orgs to carry a lot more, and I think that’s a good thing. For example, instead of the Black Greeks painting houses or holding bake sales and things, they could combine their money into a foundation (a lot of them do this individually) to support education (grants and scholarships), food subsidies and working programs (instead of welfare), etc. They can also get more involved working with people that need help in a more direct way…in addition to the philanthropic events of throwing money at causes. Same for churches, community centers, etc….the institutions are there…and people can support them monetarily and physically instead of relying on government to foot the bill…just like the olden days when America was just starting out.

It would be kind of be socialist-like on the ground level BY PERSONAL CHOICE instead of from the top down.

That’s what I like about the whole Libertarian platform…they leave your life up to you and just handle really high level stuff.

Would require people to be more accountable and responsible, but is that really a bad thing?

Gary Johnson 2012 2016

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  • August 28, 2012 at 9:02 pm

    That’s a bit extreme.

    Actually, I think Ron Paul wants to abolish the Federal Reserve. Lock and load, really? Frightening. Privatising is a very dangerous gambit, just as is leaving people to their own devices. If the Americans were, say slim, knew when to take out a mortgage, and had no household debt, then I wouldn’t worry about it. The social contract is not a bad idea. In some countries, at least, people really do need to be protected from themselves.

    • August 29, 2012 at 2:25 pm

      I like that it’s a consistent message. I can’t with moderate conservatives like the current Red ticket because they’re either really hands off or really invasive (marriage/women’s health).

      I’m also more of a teach a person how to fish instead of giving them fish kind of person. I feel like people find a way if they’re forced to.

      Would rather government be more hands off and let private institutions help people get their lives together.


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