KaNisa Shrugged


Okay may have gotten a tad too overwhelmed at work…

A perfect storm of stress + high blood pressure + a meal high in sodium before bed had my pressure soaring most of the day with an epic headache and literally swollen eyes. Went to the doctor and he offered a shot or just waiting it out.

I waited it out.

Thinking that I need a vacation where I am pampered and de-stressed…like massages and detoxifying in a paradise somewhere.

For my sanity.

I’m a young person with old person problems.

Also eff everyone that told me I should just eat whatever I want to gain weight.

My life.

In related news…

Have been looking into the philosophies of Ay.n R.and…probably at the worst time as her stuff sounds more and more appealing lately with the being marginalized at work situation. I was ready to come in to work today and shrug really hard.

At first I was like whaa…on the selfishness is a virtue part, but once you really look at what she wrote, it makes sense.

It’s not that she was against helping people, she was against helping out of obligation or guilt. It’s fine to help them, but not cool to be forced to.

Also liked her ideas about love…that you must be selfish in order to experience true love, else it’s more rooted in insecurity/salvation/etc.

Loving yourself first helps you make better decisions about who and how to love (ie. Loving a moocher that tears you down vs. loving someone with similar values who loves and knows themselves).

When two people who love themselves very much get together (in the way that she describes), they thrive on the virtues of others, not in a mooching way, but in an appreciative way. “I love you because I choose to, not because I need or find salvation in you.”

I can dig that.

Thing about her philosophy, and really most philosophies though is that it can only work when EVERYONE feels that way and follows it exactly. Laissze faire is cool, until you get the one person who tries to get a monopoly with their lackluster products based on backroom deals and politics instead of putting out good products and everyone preferring them.

Selfish love is cool if people love, have accepted themselves, and pair up in an “equally yoked way” but not when people pick others who tear them down…or pick people they manipulate for their own gain.

She would so be berating for letting work get to me… I know it.

I’m not entirely ready to shrug yet though…still got a good amount of altruism in me.

Buzzword, buzzword, buzzword…

Still feel like I’d be a conservative if conservatives were actually conservative tho. Please leave my uterus and stop forcing your values on me. They may be the same anyway, but I have the right to be my own person!

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  • August 17, 2012 at 10:33 am

    No such thing as altruism. An old, cracked-spine, dog-eared copy of Atlas Shrugged sits unread (by me) on my bookshelf. A daunting book, over a 1000 dense pages of 6 pt print. Should I read The Fountainhead first?

    And your body weight is just fine. You are naturally slim and it suits you. Improve your body composition? Maybe. Gain weight? Not at all necessary.

    • August 17, 2012 at 11:54 am

      I’d say Fountainhead is skip-able just because Atlas Shrugged is her Magnum Opus. Pretty much all she was about was in that one and she spent the rest of her life backing it up with non-fiction stuff.

      I’m sure there are a couple of movies out too. Seeing which one is the best.

  • August 17, 2012 at 11:48 am

    Mmm, yes, be healthy. If you can’t get too far away Lake Lanier has a nice spa (and waterpark!!).

    • August 17, 2012 at 11:50 am

      I actually might see about that! We have a work function at the Lake Lanier Islands place tomorrow…


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