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Whitlock, Dawes ‘Gab’ about Hair

1 Comment

  • August 3, 2012 at 10:10 am

    Indeed she is. A 4’11” package of dynamite. And her coach is the coolest, most layed-back bloke I have ever seen. I was a bit concerned at the very end, though. I was sure Victoria Komova’s floor routine was nearly perfect and she would post a mid-15 score and take first. The network didn’t put up her starting value for some reason, so presumably her difficulty score was not as high as Gabby’s. Regardless, Gabby was the best and the future of women’s gymnastics is in very good hands. These young ladies are amazing.

    A little off topic, but the balance beam must be the most difficult event in all of sport. Those acrobatic moves on a 10 cm wide piece of wood make me wince. Dear Evolution, please endow female gymnasts with prehensile feet.


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