Bullying in 2012


I say all the time that though the internet has come such a long way in the past 20 years, there are some parts of it I really dislike. It used to be an escape from normal every day life…a place where you could find like minded techies that were happy to share information and help each other learn about this new frontier. There weren’t a lot of mean spirited people online then as we were all happy to find others to talk to and excited to meet new e-faces. It was an escape from the “it” crowd people encountered in real life. The cliques, bullies, image driven people who teased others for being different than them.

Now? All those people are online spreading the hate across this nation worldwide.

It’s enough to make you take a break from it all, or from social networking at least.

Thankfully I’ve pared down my twitter and facebook people to those who don’t engage in it much, but it’s still disappointing to see.

There are people who spend their entire day making fun of others…fellow people they encounter in e-space, celebrities, whoever…and it’s really not cool.

Bullying is  bullying, even if your target is a popular entertainer or a person you’d never see in real life.

Yeah it’s true that if you put yourself out there, you gotta take the good with the bad, but there’s no excuse to belittle people just because you can. That figure you’re tearing down is a PERSON with feelings, a history and circumstances you have no concept of. You don’t look cool for making a “joke” about the way someone looks or a bad day they have. All the vitrol really reflects badly on YOU!

I’m especially upset about all the negativity Willow got since she debuted this video yesterday. So many disgusting comments…she’s 11! A sixth grader! Seriously? Calling her the f word or saying she looks like a boy? That she has no talent? A brat? Obnoxious?

I don’t understand.

Did they totally miss the entire point of this song?

It’s disgusting.

I hate people.




<– Still in my feelings from a weekend of MJ movies, books, and shows…

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  • July 3, 2012 at 10:12 am

    Mob mentality has taken over the internet. If it were possible to commit murder on the internet, millions would be dead already, from the President down to the person next door who voted for him and everyone else in between. God forbid if Justin Bieber gets a zit or if you like him. No one, absolutely no one, is exempt from the wrath of the mob. It is disgusting.

    • July 4, 2012 at 10:27 am

      We have a reality show called Glass House on TV now…viewers decide what happens to people who live in the house. Only a matter of time before Hunger Games happens in real life…

  • July 4, 2012 at 10:01 am

    Watched some of Independence Day last night. Hope yours today is much better than theirs was. Happy Fourth of July!

    • July 4, 2012 at 10:25 am

      Thank you Patrice! Mine will be spent riding in the back of a car from Atlanta to Louisiana. Thank goodness for mobile hot spots!

      • July 4, 2012 at 10:56 am

        Given the extreme temperatures, there will be lots of mobile hot spots. (Hopefully, the car you’re travelling in isn’t one of them!)

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