Dr. Pepper you’re a part of me (and other Texas stuff)


Though I was born and partially raised in the Murder Mitten, the rest of my childhood to pre-teen years were spent deep in the heart of Texas.

Things of importance :

Heart of Texas Fair (And roooodeeooooo)

We went to this every fall for 8 years. I never did ride the “scary” rides. I was weak as water. Couldn’t find the Heart of Texas Fair (And roodeeeooo) song. :(

I always sat back in my chair as far as I could at the rodeo…Daddy insisted on sitting in the closest seats to “stage”.

We also met Hi-Five there one year. We were in line for a midway game and they were in front of us. Daddy was like “they’ll run out of money soon.” We were like uhhh….

That Good Old Baylor Line

We went to all Baylor Basketball and Football games. Daddy sponsored a football player…they came to eat Sunday dinner with us. He also chaired Snicker’s Touchdown Alley. I had to dress up like a skittles or small M&M sometimes. Much respect to the theme park characters with the full body costumes. It be hot in those!

They have the paw in the air in the video…this makes me tear up to this day. Sic em bears!

HEB (Photo Play-ace)

HEB is a grocery store. They had this package of Chicken you could get…I believe it was the Southwest Chicken that you could grill or bake…


I don’t even know if they still make it…haven’t been to HEB in over a decade…but MAN!

Blue Bell Homemade Ice Cream

Thankfully they’ve expanded outside of Texas (had me some last night), but Blue Bell is a Texas original.

Hands down, best ice cream I’ve ever had.

Vanilla is supposed to taste like something…and theirs does.

It really does.

Shipley’s Do-Nuts

I remember when Shipley’s came to town…and put the other doughnut places out of business. They are no Krispy Kreme (that came to town later and held its own), but I will admit these doughnuts are good whether they are hot or cold. Definitely did a sweep through the adult Sunday School classes before big church to see if anyone had any left over…

Dr. Pepper

Dr. Pepper is my favorite thing…it’s even more important to me than Krispy Kremes. Just like the rest of the things on this list, it’s likely more of a nostalgia thing, but man. It’s also delicious! Especially fresh Dr. Pepper…

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