

What’s going on with CNN?

“Black leader to Bill Clinton: ‘Chill’ on Obama ”

“Bin Laden’s son to dad: Stop killing civilians ”

“Gender or race: Black women voters face tough choices in South Carolina”

You kidding me?! Propaganda on parade!

And also…

What the hail about the Democratic debate?!

I have absolutely no idea who to vote for. Finger pointing, mudslinging BETWEEN MEMBERS OF THE SAME PARTY! “I’m better than you because…nu uh! You said this last year…whateva! I was doing this while you were wiping your behind!” This is really alienating people…me included.

I’m trying to get educated about people, but unfortunately, most of the time the sources are just talking about why the other person is bad.

What’s up with that?

And btw, PO Mr. Edwards…he’s like, whatever I’m going to be VP either way, LOL…

And does anyone even care about the elephants? (LOL)

Pfft on politics.

edited to add: OH IT IS OFFICIAL! I AM DONE WITH CNN! Why did they have an entire article and TV feature about the black women voters in SC using the most stereotypical Black women ever?!

“Hillary ran the country while her husband was president!”

“It really does come down to a difficult decision a woman or a Black person!” – a Black female analyst

They even went to the hair salon to get the opinions…aMAZing…

And THEN they pointed out that according polls, White people are more ready for a Black president than Black people are! WHY! Why point that out?!?!

Especially when one of the biggest arguments that the Caucasian persuasion people make about race is that “we’re all the same!” “We should be blind to race!” THEN WHY DO YOU HAVE AN ENTIRE HOUR DEVOTED TO RACE AND POLITICS?!?!


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