Stuff like that



Looks like I’m on the up and up! This weekend’s “DC Adventure” activities include lunch with a co-worker on Friday, and a dinner date and party with a dude from another office.

LOL! That sounds so terrible doesn’t it? Just broke it off with a boyfriend and I ain’t sitting on it ONE BIT!


Whateva. I’m way too pretty to be sitting at home moping.

My Friday lunch outing is with one of my prophyte’s friends. She’s an associate at the main office and has been helping me out with moving to the area type things. I figured I’d take her to lunch as a way of saying thank you.

As far as the dinner date dude, he started at my job at about the same time I did but he works at another office in the area. He’s an Alpha from UMass @ Amherst and he’s my sands…would be extra points if he’s a 3, but I haven’t asked yet.

. . .

I should probably lower my expectations. Though Alphas are my stereotypical Greek male of choice (GAM was one before he renounced it) they, along with most Greek males, tend to be a bit full of themselves. It’s whatever though, at least I’ll meet some people. Plus I ain’t trying to be “boo-ed up” anytime soon…

I’m well on my way to getting my “wreck havoc on New Year’s Eve” peeps!

In other news…

Have you ever wondered about how certain things work? Like say for instance, Vick’s Vapor Rub?

That stuff has been the elixir of health in my family for as long as I can remember. When we had colds, my mother would put it on our chests, noses, heads, lips…everywhere! We’d be walking around looking all greasy with our eyes watering from the menthol….

But it usually did the job.

Let’s read more about how this isht works.

According to the website:

VapoRub is not likely to cause drowsiness or jittery side effects.

Uh…what? You waft some of this stuff at me and I’m out like a light!

When used on chest and throat, temporarily relieves cough due to common cold

I never knew that this was a cough suppressant. I thought it was like a decongestant type thing.

On muscles and joints, temporarily relieves minor aches and pains

I maintain that topical medicines don’t actually do anything but distract you from the pain when it comes to being used for “aches and pains.” Like for example that “Head On” stuff? It has a cool burn effect that doesn’t necessary lessen the pain, it just makes you go “hmm…that’s interesting.”

Do not use by mouth or in nostrils.

Thanks mom.

Do not add to hot water or any container where heating water. May cause splattering and result in burns.

Yeeeeeah…mother used to put this stuff in hot water and have us stand over it with a towel over our heads. Worked like a charm for congested headaches and such.

Directions: Rub a thick layer on chest and throat. Cover with a warm, dry cloth if desired. Keep clothing loose about throat/chest to help vapors reach the nose/mouth.

Is this REALLY what’ you’re supposed to do? Say it’s cold and you have the covers pulled up to your shoulders. How do the vapors reach your nose/mouth then? I like the “apply everywhere approach” better.

The only thing I don’t like about this stuff is the “morning after smell.” Though it works like a charm, the room you were sleeping in usually requires ventilation of some sort.

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Friday night. Just got paid.


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