In a Perfect World


As you know, I am a theoretical

We generally are socially liberal and fiscally conservative…or in layman’s terms “do what you want, just don’t make me pay for it.” Also, “be prepared to handle the consequences of your actions.”

For the main elections, it would be cool if we could actually get one of our candidates in the public eye (I mean are you REALLY looking for change if you keep voting for the same parties and candidates? Looking at you teams red and blue…) but I generally just consider myself an independ.ent and vote for the people who represent my views the most regardless of their party.

This time is tougher though because like most, I truly am not enthused by anyone.

Voted K.asich in the primary to vote against Trum.p. He actually isn’t THAT bad…though side eye some of his policies…

Will likely go for Hill.ary as she’s more of the same. All the “he said she said” about her values is dumb. Like you have NO IDEA about the dirt people at that level of government get into regularly. If someone seems pristine, it’s probably more likely their stories haven’t broken yet.

Boo the Ber.n. His model works only if government is competent in how they spend the money for all these programs he wants. I directly see where and how that money is spent….making cuts would really get rid of the fat to be honest…though a cut to everyone vs certain areas would be more efficient. I’m also still slightly annoyed about the health care stuff. For me, I went from paying no deductibles to having to come out of pocket 1300 bucks before insurance kicks in. Yes it was my company’s decision to do this, but…

Oh and also, about me having to pay 10k+ more in taxes under his tax plans….good luck in getting those through congress….

At the end of the day, pres is really just a figurehead anyway. To me, the most mode.rate candidate is the best one because it’s their job to be a uniter of the powers more than to be a polarizing one. Gotta be able to work both sides of the aisle. Nobody should ever really get their way all the time…

Ha all this reminds me of that time I played Fable…

Overarching storyline was as the ruling monarch, you had to make decisions about how to support your people. You could be fiscally conservative and have money to surge and protect your people for the known upcoming war, or you could spend money on social programs and most everyone would die during the upcoming war due to lack of money for support.

All throughout the game, if you picked the conservative side, people HATED you for not spending money on education, training programs, and infrastructure, but more people survived the war.

If you picked the social program side, everyone LOVED you, but most everyone died during the war.

Probably not quite that polarized in real life, but an interesting study nonetheless.

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  • March 29, 2016 at 9:45 am

    I’m not enthusiastic about any of this year’s candidates either, and I mostly agree with your assessment and choices. I would vote Hillary in the general election only because it would put husband Bill back in the White House for a third term.

    • March 29, 2016 at 5:02 pm

      Boo lol!


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