I don’t even…


We’ll just say this is the last update to the happiness trend…


Neutral – not really happy or unhappy. A score of 3.5 would reflect an equal number of happy and unhappy responses.


Week was….as it normally is. Really long…really busy.

  • Extended an offer to a mini me to help take some of the load at work
  • Won a silent auction/Breast cancer fundraiser…I paid for get a surprise party sometime between December and June of next year
  • A cousin passed away. Had cancer and rode it out. Still always something that these research orgs get millions and you never really see the practical applications of the research outside of discounted early detection. We expected his time would be soon, but it still makes me really angry…
  • Fixing up smaller issues around the house, framing/hanging prints, repairing cabinet doors…I sometimes feel like letting chores sit somehow blocks your blessings. Irrational thing my mom probably planted in my head as a child…

In other news…

Unfortunate examples of racism not dying out with old people.

Appropriation is still huge…that and again the notion of objectification are the new “you can’t sit with us”.

Girl getting tossed around and people not thinking about the context of her situation which is actually WORSE than the scenario I wrote out the other day (she’s an orphan).

Sorority girls saying Black girls are too unattractive/poor/unintelligent to be in Pan.hellenic Sororities (predominately white ones).

Same school where they were planning a party…which was pretty much the plot of Dear White Peo.ple except it wasn’t satire AT ALL.

It’s kind of exhausting.

I’ve gotten the small (and not so small) microaggressions from well meaning friends with white guilt my whole life but sometimes you kinda just want a break and be in your own skin, you know?

Like, it’s cool that you’re excited you have a Black/Asian/Native/Latino/Hispanic friend, but have you ever been the ONLY ONE who looks like you in a sea of people who don’t? Consistently?

Do people constantly ask you about your hair, your culture, or if you know some random just because they also share your skin tone or culture?

Do your sexual options fetishize, glamorize, and relationship…ize people who look nothing like you because they’re “different” and also because they enjoy being fetishized themselves?

Also re.ddit just generally makes me uncomfortable because I’m convinced all the Black and rap related subs are full of people who are low key like this.



I am Black.

I am a woman (though I don’t feel like an adult still).

I don’t even want to call myself a nerd or geek anymore…I’m just a combination of A LOT of things that make me a KaNisa.

Throw out your pre-conceived notions and judge me by my KaNisa-ness.

Or not. You know whatever…

But boo because the children were supposed to be the future…

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