

This is my brain on work.

I’ve come to the realization that I put a lot of stress on myself when I probably don’t have to. I tried delegating this week, but it didn’t quite work out. I advised a junior resource to escalate issues through one of my senior resources instead of me, but they kept trying get on my calendar to discuss how to do things. I literally had wall to wall strategy meetings today…I can’t hand hold tactical things…it’s 11:14 PM and I just now punched the clock!

I attempted to set people up for autonomy, doing trainings, putting how-to resources up on a portal I made, sharing past approaches and things, but people still want me to sit down and critique everything. Like…if I have to tell you exactly how to do something, I might as well do it myself you know? What’s the point of me delegating at all? U.X isn’t based on how EYE think you should do it, it’s based on YOU finding out what YOU need to know based on what YOU currently know within the constraints of time, money, and availability of your stakeholders.

I know my expertise was built from my experience, but even when I had milk breath regarding, I still found my own way using my resources and ability to pick up on my clients’ culture to know what battles to fight. As I was writing up for someone else just now, best practices are made, not born…you can’t usually directly apply training or education to a situation, it has to be adapted FOR this situation, but apparently that is not a common skill or aptitude people have.

I’m really tired.

This week has been full of battles and meetings.  I’m trying REALLY hard not to do the “I CAN DO THIS EASILY!!! WHY IS THIS SUCH A STRUGGLE FOR YOU?!?!” thing but I’m human.

Come on KaNisa!

Other people are not you!

Find away to pivot and focus your workers!

Set the scope and expectations of their work rather than letting them try to do it on their own! Not everyone is able!


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