Hello Monday


What are thooooooosee?!?!

– Me all day today

  • Regarding seeing a design I made butchered by the developers I handed it off to…will have to go in and redo it myself
  • Regarding some exposed web services there were just out there for people to grab that have some pretty sensitive data attached
  • Regarding the traffic being horrible hour plus commutes for a window of  3 hours this morning
  • Regarding some requirements I saw that weren’t really requirements, but vague ideas
  • Regarding people re-posting “news” that was really just gossip and opinions masquerading as news
  • Regarding this video and the resulting backlash that people are mad about for some reason (Let them cook. They’re recruiting 18 year olds. It works).
  • Regarding people who try to talk to me before 11-ish. Email plz.
  • Regarding a slew of meetings I just got for first thing tomorrow morning…I’ll have to leave the house at 6 to get to work on time at 8 I bet…

On the plus side, I was pointed to a concept that perfectly describes my most recent cycle of people annoyance. It mostly relates to “news”, people being infatuated with celebrities lives, or click bait headlines to opinion pieces…and also how there are hardly any ACTUAL news places out there…

We’re programmed to accept things as fact, but journalistic integrity went out out of style like 10 years ago due to the monetization of clicks. Can’t really trust most of what you read anymore because they’re pretty much all opinion pieces by people with free wordpress accounts….

But yeah the concept is Parkinson’s Law of Triviality or “Bikeshedding” :

Bikeshedding involves discussions about relatively unimportant issues which result in extensive debate. It may be the result of individuals who wish to contribute feeling that they do not have the knowledge or expertise to contribute on more significant issues. Bikeshedding can result in discussions that, whilst on-topic, nevertheless effectively drown out other discussions on more significant issues.


I have words for this now.


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