Crisis Averted


Quick update re that audio blog from a few posts back.

Saw that movie last night…it…

…was just fine!

I still haven’t identified the emotion I was grappling with regarding seeing Mr. G in a role like that, but thankfully, he kept it “cute” as it were.

Everyone did the banana hammock thing but him, lol. #TrustinGam.bino

That said, did appreciate the last scene the most. Mr. Bromer had the best solo (funnily enough, he plays for the other team), and the finale performance has a really cool concept as well.

For da ladies, it’s a fun mindless romp. I was more amazed by the audience than the movie. Women were wearing matching outfits, some dressed up….grandmas, mother/daughters, girlfriends, gays….it was really incredible how excited everyone was.

I hope the movie does well!

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