

Alright I’m less upset now I guess.

I’ve said it a million times, and I’ll say it again :

I feel like the cure to racism/homophobia/sexism/etc is representation.

Tough part is the representing part…and actively seeking out different types of people.

Shows like Blackish, Fresh Off the Boat, Fresh Prince of Bel Aire, Cosby Show, A Different World really help to give people a window into different cultures and things…

But you have to watch them.

Megalopolis like NYC, Atlanta, LA Chicago…all kinds of people….

But people mostly keep to themselves.

Still though, I really appreciate when people in entertainment do present a different point of view….especially if it reflects MY reality.

(Like Blackish, GoldieBlox, and 82.5% of the reason why I’m a huge Gambino fan).

That said, this movie is coming out TODAY!

OF COURSE I’m going to see it and have purchased the soundtrack as well.

It’s so cool to see Blerds represented! Yes we exist!

Maybe there will be franchises around girl blerds too someday…


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