Dr.ugs Live


So I follow The Beck.ley F.oundation on the Facebook.

The Beck.ley Foun.dation carries out pioneering scientific research into psychoactive drugs and consciousness, and promotes evidence-based, health-oriented drug policy reform.

They posted a link to a special on Channel 4 (In the UK) called Dr.ugs Live.   Each episode follows people as they try different drugs and are tested in a lab…asked questions…brain scans…really interesting stuff and the first time such things have ever been televised live.

Was looking around for the official link, but didn’t see one that was accessible in America. Because the internet, here’s the episode on Ecstasy:

Drugs Live – The Ecstasy Trial (1of2… by couchtripper

Drugs Live – The Ecstasy Trial (2of2… by couchtripper

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