Busy Nothings


Honestly don’t really have anything to report these days…

It’s cold.

Halloween happened. Got about 60 cutie patooties for tricks and treats :

Me and my boyfriend. #Halloween

A photo posted by KaNisa (@kanisaslyfe) on

“So that’s when I said, ‘that’s why the knee bone is a thing!'” #Halloween

A photo posted by KaNisa (@kanisaslyfe) on

My Undergrad chapter celebrated its 35th anniversary :


And I slept all day Sunday.

Like literally all day.

Like 20 hours of sleep kind of day.

Must be the weather change.

Very excited for this coming weekend! It’ll be the true first weekend by myself with no obligations in literally 9 months!

I won’t know what to do with myself!

Maybe more of this…

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