Pre-weekend update


There’s something to say for routine…

They say that Taurus is a slave to routine, but I think most people probably are.

Lost my debit card today…was talking to my mother and said I’d call her back after I finished pumping gas. Not only that, but I also manually pumped the gas instead of using the kickstand trigger thing.

Such small changes…I remember putting my card on my trunk while I made sure the lever was tight, but I don’t remember picking it up again.

Sketechy neighbohood too.


I didn’t notice it was gone until I went for it to pay for my popeyes and couldn’t find it.


If I had just asked my mom to hold on, used the kickstand trigger thing, and sat back in the car to talk to her like I always do, I would have automatically put my card back in my wallet as usual!

Oh well…

Called my bank to cancel it asap. Probably for the best. I was spending at a good clip today to finish dragoncon stuff, lol…

Dance team stockings are hard to find!

I spent most of today looking for the dance team (opaque) stockings for my Jade costume. Couldn’t find them anywhere! Drove all over town…went to what google called a “dancewear” store. It was actually a store for strippers. They had full body stockings, but that was all they had that was opaque.

They also had an insane amount of security.

It was weird.

Went to Amer.ican Apparel. They had opauqe ones, but they weren’t the right color. Their full stock of colors don’t come in for another few weeks they said.

I have one more place that might have them, but I’m going tomorrow after I pick up a new debit card from the bank.

Body Makeup isn’t that available either…

I briefly considered just doing body makeup instead of the dance team stockings. Went to Ulta to see  what I could see. Color was wrong and I felt like that stuff would rub off everywhere.

Plus I still feel like I’d be more comfortable if I was wearing fake pants so… hopefully the place I’m trying in the morning will have them or else Jade might not happen…

Nothing else much to report. Hope everyone has a great weekend!


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