Becaus.e the


The internet machine is an awesome and terrifying force.

I half watch shows on VH1, mostly the blatantly scripted shows like La.dies (because I Stan for Dana Owens) and Hi.t the Flo.or, because I have a soft spot for Dancer/Cheerleader related shows.

So as I was waiting for and Hi.p Ho.p to go off (had it on mute…I refuse to watch that show), I glanced up and saw that this particular version was filmed in georgia. There was a peach logo and a website where you could go to learn more about what else was filmed here.

I went to the site and there was a list of the shows currently in production in Atlanta. Scrolling down, I noticed one called “Sor.ority Sis.ters”.

“That can’t be good…” I thought.

Googled “Sor.ority Si.sters”

Didn’t see too much…just a casting call

But then also saw this…a group of video reels and promos….and there was one for Sororit.y Sis.ters…

It was about what you’d expect, what I assume Lov.e and Hi.p Ho.p/Real House.wives/etc would be…with a D9 twist.

It would be hard to share with a whole page of videos, so I found a link to the vimeo video and posted it on facebook with a filter so my family and non-black aware friends wouldn’t see our shame…just to be like “seriously? Again?”

I didn’t get many comments at the time, so I didn’t think much of it.

Went to bed…

12:57 pm today, it’s been shared 131 times and is gaining steam on twitter.

It even came back to me on twitter with someone asking a few people if we’d seen it!


I do have some facebook friends that know some of the people involved personally…and they said the show is currently in production here in Atlanta.

Crazy! I know we’ve been on other shows like Ba.d Gi.rls Clu.b, Colleg.e Hill….but never a focus like this.

I hope they can get it axed…it’s still early…

I also hope there will be more information about this show…it’s said that it’s in production…but will it really be on VH1? There’s still potential for them to shop it around so it could end up on another network…

Will have to ask someone I know who works in that industry to see how it works…

But still yikes! I know the internet is a fertile place, but it’s amazing how quickly things spread!

ETA : Asked questions of someone who works in development for TV. Here’s what she said about stuff like this :

There is indeed money in reality TV. Not the first season, of course, but def Season 2 if it’s a hit. Laura Conrad from “The Hills” was getting $100K/episode during that show’s prime. At the same time Eva Lonogoria was getting $175K/ episode on “Desperate Housewives” So although scripted actors will always trump non-descripted, there’s clearly money to be made.

But yeah, this show is obviously gonna be disgraceful. Truthfully though, I watch all those ratchet shows… I even watch them live and tweet along. As do many other educated, successful members of the talented 10%. We made them popular. So of course the development execs are going to greenlight more of the same.

Shouldn’t we be putting an end to all “urban entertainment” that portrays us in a negative light? People are jumping up calling foul on this series but I feel like it’s only because it hits home for us.

Doesn’t surprise me that [Mona’s] show’s talent doesn’t get paid but I suppose ppl are hoping the exposure and opps for endorsement deals, appearances, book deals, etc. will make up for it. Right?

Side note- Mona is rolling in the dough apparently.. to the tune of $30MM.

It looks like this is what we call a “character reel.” It’s a piece of content, usually 10 mins. or less that profiles the characters who would appear in the show.

My guess is that Mona used this to pitch the show to the usual suspects and that VH1 greenlit her for a pilot OR a development deal.
A pilot means that they’ll shoot a full ep. 23 or 46 mins.
A development deal means that they have to work on the show format.


If this show is currently filming still, maybe it’s the latter…a development deal…


Facebook connects say they’re filming through October and have a litigation budget in case D9 sues…

….and that a pilot was made but it won’t be aired.

Who knows the real truth?! Time will reveal….





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  • June 5, 2014 at 12:31 pm
    Pretty Primadonna

    I tried the link to the vimeo video… appears to have been taken down. Also didn’t see anything about Sorority Girls on the link to the group of video reels. Might the movement against this already be in action?

    • June 5, 2014 at 3:15 pm

      Yeah! They snatched it down yesterday! There’s a petition too! This got so big…

      • June 5, 2014 at 4:06 pm
        Pretty Primadonna

        Oh, WOW! It most certainly did blow up. Also, note that when I commented initially, I didn’t realize this post was from two days ago. You probably already knew the content had been snatched off the ‘net and here I come with a captain obvious comment, lol. #johnnycomelatelyme

      • June 5, 2014 at 4:31 pm

        LOL! It’s fine. I mostly just lit the fire and didn’t even watch it burn really. I only found out it got snatched because someone texted and blamed me for ruining dreams, lol.

  • December 12, 2014 at 8:52 pm

    […] People are upset about the Sor.ority Sis.ters show that I kinda of kicked off protest about several months ago. […]


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