Mid-week Report

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I have yet to have much to report.

Work is super busy…end of the firm’s fiscal year and lots of loose ends to tie up.

Got nominated for another award (woot!). Couple of hundred extra to play with for Birthday month in a few days.

Also got free Atlanta Braves tickets. Company buys sets of 4 for games. Pricey seats. My boss called and offered them to me.

Methinks they’re checking in with MVP’s to make sure we feel appreciated. A few heavy hitters left recently…

T-7 days until Mr. G’s concert. The personal excitement regarding is continuing to wane. I can’t put my finger on why…

I feel like there are 0 chances that I’d be impressed by it. Waaaay too much hype in my head regarding dude as an institution on which I project all my affections towards dudes, lol.

There isn’t a real one around, but finding that I don’t really require that anymore. Like I mentioned, I know there’s someone out there for me, and I’m more likely to meet said someone if I go places other than work and home, but I be tired!

I seriously think next week will be like this exactly, you can’t disappoint a picture! (or a personal note with context clues that he knows of me as a representative of cute techie Black chicks and thinks I’m dope)

Roomie is funny too, she used to be the reason why I went out if I did, and she’s falling into MY patterns!

We’ll be crotchety old ladies on the porch drinking lemonade and judging young whipper snappers that pass by…

We did go to happy hour with my co-workers today though. That was pretty okay…

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1 Comment

  • March 29, 2014 at 2:51 am

    The personal excitement regarding is continuing to wane. I can’t put my finger on why…

    Overexposure and the internet. Let’s us get way too familiar with famous people. They lose their intrigue.


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