Case study in PET Design?

3 Comments is probably the most convincing application of theories in Persuasion, Emotion, and Trust (PET Design).

These are theories in Human Factors that leads to the conversions of target audiences.

  • Create content that motivates specific actions
  • Increase customer conversion, loyalty, and adoption
  • Understand motivations and emotional triggers
  • Appeal to the rational and emotional aspects of decision-making
  • Test and measure the emotional impact and credibility

I honestly cannot watch the show anymore. The techniques they use are glaringly obvious to me and it just rubs me wrong.

I was saying the other day… I would not want to do UX for a marketing agency…I just don’t feel comfortable manipulating people that way.

I use the same theories for my job, but I work on productivity and enterprise applications…stuff they HAVE to use.

I serve mankind by helping to make their jobs that much less annoying (lol).

The way the Scandal showrunners and marketing people work together to make rabid fans though…EXTREMELY effective.

It just rubs me wrong…


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  • March 22, 2014 at 12:25 am

    Got lost at the first sentence. Never heard of Scandal and I thought PET Design had something to do with a positron emission tomography study.

    I remain out of touch, as usual.

    • March 22, 2014 at 1:01 pm

      You knew about PET design at least! I posted a video about it in the comments a few days back.

      • March 22, 2014 at 1:53 pm

        You did. And I realized that soon afterward. But the other PET is more deeply ingrained in me and is what immediately came to mind when I saw the title of this post. I will be ready next time you use it.

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