Body roll, body roll, body roll, hit….


This entry is for my laadddies…just sayin.

I think I found a bff soulmate in my G9 friend. Like I went over there for sad V Day and she appreciated things, lol.

Even down to having Sailor Moon pulled up in her browser because she was marathon mode-ing it!

Meant to be!

She’s also the first person who I was able to convince to watch Unbowed with me. (The movie about integrating an HBCU with Native Americans in the late 1800’s.) Of course we mostly watch because  :

But still…it had been a struggle previously with others.

Finally, I introduced her to Rain.

Funny she pointed out the song was nice…which I hadn’t really noticed before because I got to distracted by the visuals. Here’s the video with just the song :

I do grin like a fool listening to it though…mostly because this :

We watched this a time or 3…I’m so glad I got to share!

Enjoy ladies if you haven’t already!

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