Almost Weekend Updates


Gimmie a head with hair

With cool temperatures comes the opportunity to straighten your natural hair without it reverting immediately due to humidity.

I got a sample for this stuff during my last trip to the beauty store :


Checked the natural hair blogs first to make sure it didn’t hurt our curls any more than regular heat products do…got the green light…and even some hype!

Took a chance and tried it out last night.

I was a bit heavy handed with this stuff so my hair is a bit flat, BUT it lives up to its claim so far!

My hair usually starts reverting immediately after straightening, but 12 hours later, even after a jaunt outside the day after all day long raining, still straight as a pin!

We’ll see how long it lasts, but I’m impressed by that alone!

For you relaxed ladies that work out, I also heard it’s great for that.

Take a look. It’s in a book.

12 a comes out in theaters today.

The book is available fo free in the istore (what’s it called I forgot) and in the Google Play Store.

It’s not too long either…got it for my tablet and have maybe 30 minutes to go before finishing.

I really don’t think I would have made it as a slave…besides the obvious trouble, I don’t have any meat on my bones and wouldn’t be good for physical labor…especially if they only got bacon and corn to eat…

I guess I could have been a housemaid or something…

Was interesting how normal it was for families to be split up while the parents found work. on the freeman side It wasn’t out of the ordinary for either parent to be gone for a week or two chasing down jobs…

Mommies worried about Mr G

My mom called pretty late last night. I’m thinking something happened, she’d just heard about Mr G’s brain dump and was worried about him.

I did have to lol a little at that…dude is so joe schmoe, even MY MOTHER feels connected enough with him to feel personally concerned.

She has a master’s degree in social work and has worked with young people for a while so maybe it was that.

But yeah…I’ve already talked about that on here…but was a little [insert word I can’t think of here] by his even more recent explanations for why he wrote it.

Didn’t really help his case of people being concerned…for example, preeeeety sure that whole Hitler thing was a huge exercise in what happens when super insecure people have power…and how to play off of other people’s insecurities to make monstrous things happen…

Also pretty sure I called all of this happening…with him coming into the Chappelle “are people laughing with me or at me” and “I don’t want to be pigeonholed into one thing…I’m more than what people think I am” thing.

But still…was a little…maybe annoyed? With him for the justifications. Here was by celebrity subtweet regarding (lol) :

Just stahp dude.

Who are the people in your neighborhood?

Neighbor is having a happy hour today. Going to stop by to meet and greet. It’s BYOB. (?!) I’m really into Kriek lambic beers these days so I’ll see if I can pick some up on my way home from work.


The taste resembles the Welch’s grape juice…even though these are cherry flavored.


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Ladies, before we can all start leaning in, we need to stop growing in


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